Evaluating The Effect Of Physical Examination Training On The Competency Of Medical Students


avatar S Hasanzadeh Salmasi 1 , * , avatar A Amini 1 , avatar . Sedaghaty 1 , avatar K.A Shaghaghi 1

Academic staff in Tabriz University of Medical Sciences and Health Services.

How To Cite Hasanzadeh Salmasi S, Amini A, Sedaghaty ., Shaghaghi K. Evaluating The Effect Of Physical Examination Training On The Competency Of Medical Students. J Med Edu. 2004;6(1):e105137. https://doi.org/10.22037/jme.v6i1.792.


Background: The skill to perform physical exam (ph/ex) is a vital aspect of clinical skills needed by physicians. In traditional curricula of medical schools little attention is paid to students' practical skills and more emphasis is put on the cognitive domain of learning.Purpose: To study the effect of training clinical skills as a part of reformed curricula on the medical students' practical competence.Methods: In this cross sectional study of 150 medical students who had started their externship after passing the clinical skill course, 50 were randomly selected. A self-assessment questionnaire with Likerts’ scale type items was distributed among the students .Data was analyzed by SPSS and measures of central value and dispersion were utilized for discussion.Results: The mean for standardized score for the effect of training in the clinical skill course (CSC) on gaining the skill of ph/ex was 51.51(± 23.13) with a median of 50.69, and a range of 83.33-29.17. The value of 25th percentile for the score was 41.66 and the 75th percentile was 58.68.Conclusion: Integrating the training in CSC with the current curricula in medical schools, will provide the students the opportunity to perform the ph/ex completely and gain an acceptable and high quality professional function which will end in improving the patient satisfaction and reducing the costs of health and treatment services for the individuals, the families and the community.


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