Evaluation And Comparison Of Clinical Educational Groups Function And Structure In Tabriz Medical Science University, 2001


avatar M Khoshbaten 1 , * , avatar A Shahbazi 2 , avatar MJ Ehsani Ardakani 3

Assistant professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences.
Instructor, Department of Immunology and Parasitology, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences.
Assistant professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Sciences.

How To Cite Khoshbaten M, Shahbazi A, Ehsani Ardakani M. Evaluation And Comparison Of Clinical Educational Groups Function And Structure In Tabriz Medical Science University, 2001. J Med Edu. 2005;6(2):e105158. https://doi.org/10.22037/jme.v6i2.767.


Background: Medical education of IRAN witnessed a lot of changes in recent years. Evaluation of educational activities has been one important intervention introduced in this regard.Purpose: We designed a new format and evaluated the function of educational groups of Tabriz Medical Science University at 2000Methods: Educational group’s structure and function of internal medicine ward, infectious disease group, urology ward and genecology ward were compromised with each other.Results: There was a lot of difference between function of educational groups. In some groups, students had no pleasure from the education.Conclusion: It is necessary to investigate the problems of education and solve them by regular and exact program and educational intra group evaluation.


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