Assessment Of Medical Education Quality In Tehran University Of Medical Sciences And Health Services


avatar F Farzianpour 1 , * , avatar MA SeddighiGilani 2 , avatar AA Zeinalou 2

Assistant Professor, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences.
Associate Professor, School of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences.

How To Cite Farzianpour F, SeddighiGilani M, Zeinalou A. Assessment Of Medical Education Quality In Tehran University Of Medical Sciences And Health Services. J Med Edu. 2005;7(1):e105213.


Background: Teaching assessment  is a process of collecting  and analyzing data in order to make a judgment on merits and limitations  of a teaching  program. Thus, assessment  would be an important and practical instrument to improve teaching quality.Purpose: The main objective of the research is quality improvement of medical education, and specific objectives  reset as study of output factors of the educational system, management of educational planning, trainees (students, stagers, interns and residents), faculty members, educational facilities and equipment, educational  environments and graduates'  satisfaction.Methods: This study was designed as a cross sectional and an analytical descriptive survey. Research and development method as well as survey research have been used in this study.Results: of all graduated general practitioners, 82% were male and 18% were female. The course average score was between 15 and 16 for 48.1% of the subject graduates. of graduated GPs, 38.1% consider the basic sciences courses as the strength points in their studies, and 60.8% consider internship course as a weak period in their education.Conclusion: Of all graduated GPs, 81% were satisfied with their education in the School of Medicine.


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