The Relation Of Personal And Academic Characteristics Of Medical Students Cohort Entered The Medical Faculty Of Kermanshah University In 2000 And Their Performance In The 28th Comprehensive Exam Of Basic Medical Sciences


avatar Mozaffar Khazaie 1 , * , avatar SH Iranfar 2 , avatar M Rezai 3 , avatar S Khajai 4

Assistant professor, Anatomy Department, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences and Health Services.
Educational expert, Educational Development Center, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences and Health Services.
Assistant professor, Community Medicine Department, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences and Health Services.

How To Cite Khazaie M, Iranfar S, Rezai M, Khajai S. The Relation Of Personal And Academic Characteristics Of Medical Students Cohort Entered The Medical Faculty Of Kermanshah University In 2000 And Their Performance In The 28th Comprehensive Exam Of Basic Medical Sciences. J Med Edu. 2005;7(2):e105225.


Background and  purpose: Considering the importance of comprehensive  basic sciences  exams in determining  the academic  level of medical  students,  this  study was done to find the correlation between personal and academic characteristics of medical students entered the medical faculty of Kermanshah University in 1379 and the results of the 28 comprehensive basic medical  sciences exam.Methods: 38 medical students participated in this study. An information form which includes personal and  academic characteristics of  medical  students  and  their scores in the comprehensive basic medical sciences exams was used to collect data. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (percent and average figures and inferential statistics variance analysis tests. test. Mann-Whitney and Ruska-Wallis tests.Reults: 68.4% of  the 38 medical students  were male, 92.1%  entered  the university using  target access schemes, 15.8% graduated from the high scrods for gifted and talented students, 63.2%  has no failed units, 674% were living in dormitories. The average score on their diploma was 18.49±1.20 and the average of their total score in basic medical sciences stage was 14.89±10 I 0The correlation (father comprehensive basic medical sciences exams with the average score  in 5'h term or the average of total score in basic sciences stage was the most (0.8 and 0.79). there were no significant  correlation  between the scores in the comprehensive  basic medical sciences exams and students' gender, place of living, target access schemes and graduation from school. for g feted and talented  students.Conclusion: this study showed  that the average scores in different  terms of basic medical  science and the average of total scores in basic medical science stage are correlated with the scores in basic medical science stage.


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