Evaluation of Quality of Patient Education Pamphlets made by Nursing Students


avatar N Raeis dana 1 , *

Faculty member of nursing college of semnan univercity of medical sciences

How To Cite Raeis dana N. Evaluation of Quality of Patient Education Pamphlets made by Nursing Students. J Med Edu. 2006;8(2):e105275. https://doi.org/10.22037/jme.v8i2.746.


Background and purpose: patient education is one important competency expected from health care professionals . The aim of this study , was to evaluat quality of written materials provide for education of patients with chronic diseases in form of pamphlets made by nursing students .Methods:This study used a non experimental, descriptive design .In this research , first copy of 120 pamphlets made by nursing students was gathered and literacy level of each patient that pamphlet was made for him(her) wrote in first page of each . For evaluating this pamphlets, researcher used two instruments: 1- self – made checklist includes three parts : message content, making and organization of the pamphlets and appearance and appeal of them and 2 - The SMOG formula for determining literacy level needed for reading this pamphlets.Results: The results of the study revealed that , the main items chosed by students was related to endocrine system, specially diabetes, (15/8%, n= 19) and most of title discussed in these pamphletswas teaching about self – care actions ( 21/93%, n = 50) .The average literacy level needed for reading this pamphlets was 11/74 and. Each of them doesn’t written at recommended literacy level at 6 or less..Discussion:Patient education materials related to chronic diseases was written at beyound patients literacy level . if we want that patients use this materials , we must made them easear and more understanable and made them with attention to other recommended considerations.


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