A Survey of Worry Domains in Student of Zabol Universities in 2003


avatar Mohammad Reza Firouzkouhi 1 , * , avatar SR Mazloum 2 , avatar E Ildarabadi 1 , avatar F Zimie 2 , avatar A Shahraki 1 , avatar M Abaszadeh 1

MSC in nursing nursing department , Zabol faculty of medical sciences, Zabol, Iran
MSC in nursing nursing department , Mashhad university of medical sciences, Mashhad, Iran

How To Cite Firouzkouhi M R, Mazloum S, Ildarabadi E, Zimie F, Shahraki A, et al. A Survey of Worry Domains in Student of Zabol Universities in 2003 . J Med Edu. 2006;9(1):e105287. https://doi.org/10.22037/jme.v9i1.737.


Background and purpose: Worry, as a cognitive domain to anxiety, defined as a central feature of some clinical disorders. Worry plays an important role in psychopathology. Among general population,higher education students are experiencing worry in several domains, which can influence on their educational performance and social activities.Methods: In this study worry domains of Zabol public university students have been examined. 362 students in seven faculty of 2003 academic year were randomly selected. All the students filled worry domains questionnaire.Results: The result revealed that the hierarchy of student’s worry domains could be placed under the following domains in descending order: 1 – future goals (82.3%). 2-job (75.5%) 3- uncertainty (51%).4- financial conditon (66%) 5- relationship (56.6%).Conclusion: According to the present findings Zabol public university student’s main worry domain is aimless future and work. The implication to this study can be used in counseling centers and in future planning for student’s mental health.


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