Study of Status of Clinical Skills’ Education Among Interns of Birjand University of Medicine


avatar Tooba Kazemi 1 , * , avatar R Hajiabadi Mohammad 2

Assistant professor,, Educational Development Center , Birjand University of Medicine
Faculty Member, and the Secretary of Educational Development Center, Birjand University of Medicine

How To Cite Kazemi T, Hajiabadi Mohammad R. Study of Status of Clinical Skills’ Education Among Interns of Birjand University of Medicine. J Med Edu. 2006;9(2):e105304.


Background and purpose: Acquiring clinical skills is one learning goal for medical students. Clinical skills are essential to diagnose diseases and to accomplish therapies. The aim of this study is to review status of clinical skills among interns in Birjand University of Medicine Methods: This was a cross sectional study, in witch all interns of Birjand University of Medicine articipated. A questionnaire including questions about 8 essential clinical skills was developed.Have interns responded the questionnaire and questionnaires been collected, data were coded and analyzed .Results: More than 90% interns lack required skills for intubation, cardiopulmonary, ressusitation and normal vaginal delivery. Despite the fact that more than 80% of interns assumed these skills as highly useful, most of them hadn’t been trained by qualified trainers.Conclusion: It seems that the usual methods of teaching clinical skills is not adequate and needs to be modified at University. Using some new teaching setting like skill labs and observational evaluation methods will have an important role in development of clinical skills.


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