Description and Pathology of Research Development in Tabriz Medical University


avatar Alireza Farajollahi 1 , * , avatar K Sedaghat 2 , avatar M Alizadeh 3 , avatar A Ashrafi Hafez 4

Associate professor, Medical Physics Department, Tabriz Medical University
Sociologist of economic-social development, Azerbaijan Tarbiat Moallem University
Assistant Professor, Social Medicine Department, Tabriz Medical University
General Practitioner

How To Cite Farajollahi A, Sedaghat K, Alizadeh M, Ashrafi Hafez A. Description and Pathology of Research Development in Tabriz Medical University. J Med Edu. 2006;9(2):e105305.


Background and purpose: Research in medical science, as in all other fields of science, is necessary in order to maintain and improve the public health. This is achievable only by researchers and faculty members. This study is attempt o identify intra-organizational factors that influence research planning and related interventions in Tabriz Medical University.Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, the study group included all faculty members and masters of science (equivalent to faculties) in Tabriz Medical University, of which 121 persons wereselected randomly. Lickert style questionnaires were developed to evaluate and compare the attitudes toward project approval process, knowledge about research facilities, departmental cooperationsin research, and researchers’ capabilities in project execution. Data analysis was performed using SPSS software.Results: During a 3 year period, each faculty member had, on average, supervised 5.17 dissertations, conducted 1.15 approved research projects, and had 3.4 presentations in domestic and 0.36 presentations in international conferences. Lack of time was the main problem in conducting research.Comparing faculties with and without research experience, there was significant differences in regard of access to research facilities (pthe level of research knowledge (pmotivations, job satisfaction, departmental cooperation, and expecting benefits from conductingresearch.Conclusion: According to the faculties’ views, intra-organizational problems are less important than personal factors in performing research projects; i.e. the main obstacles for research were lack of time, and lack of competence in research methodology and problem-finding. Intra-organizational factors such as delay in project approval and lack of knowledge about research priorities are classified in the next levels.


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