Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation of Clinical Education in Medical Schools of Iran: A Cross Sectional Study


avatar Aeen Mohammadi 1 , * , avatar R Mojtahedzadeh 2 , avatar A Enzevaei 2

Faculty member, Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Member, Educational Development Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences

How To Cite Mohammadi A, Mojtahedzadeh R, Enzevaei A. Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation of Clinical Education in Medical Schools of Iran: A Cross Sectional Study. J Med Edu. 2006;10(1):e105312. https://doi.org/10.22037/jme.v10i1.706.


Background and Purpose: Future generalists require in depth exposure to primary care practice and the opportunity to work with successful generalist role models.Changes in hospital practice, patient availability, increased student numbers and their expectations and a redefinition of expected learning outcomes are changing the emphasis of clinical teaching away from traditionalinpatient settings towards ambulatory care. In this study we evaluated the quality and quantity of clinical training in medical schools of Iran, and ranked the schools according to each category of criteria.Methods: In the first step an expert committee devised the criteria and indicators for evaluation of the quality and quantity of clinical education and the weights were determined with the consensus developing techniques among the expert committee members. The questionnaire was developed andafter data collection the schools’ scores were calculated according to the scoring instructions and the final analysis was performed.Results: Regarding the quantitative criteria, i.e. the number and facilities of the clinics, Tehran Medical School, and according to the qualitative criteria, i.e. the quality of clinical training at each school, Sanandaj Medical School gained the first ranks. This is while the presence of residents in these schools is not alike.Conclusion: Quantity and quality of clinical training in a medical school are not necessarily congruent. It seems that some factors like the presence of residents in teaching clinics can influence the students’ training.


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