Educational Problems of Kermanshah Medical School: View Points of Students, Graduates and Faculty Members


avatar Sorya Siabani 1 , * , avatar MR Moradi 2 , avatar H Siabani 1 , avatar K Amolaei 3 , avatar SA Siabani 4

Genral practitioner, Kermanshah university of medical sciences
Professor, kermanshah university of medical sciences
Lecturer, kermanshah university of medical sciences
Medical student, Shahid Beheshty university of medical sciences

How To Cite Siabani S, Moradi M, Siabani H, Amolaei K, Siabani S. Educational Problems of Kermanshah Medical School: View Points of Students, Graduates and Faculty Members. J Med Edu. 2009;13(1 & 2):e105401.,2.1137.


Background and purpose: In recent years although the number of students registering for medicines has decreased in Kermanshah University of Medical sciences parallel to other universities of medical sciences the quality of educational services has not improved the informal reports suggests that the competency of medical graduates is not satisfactory Since any intervention needs situation analysis this study was conducted to obtain viewpoints of three main groups of stockholders including faculty members, students and graduates on medical school problems and insufficiencies.Methods: In this qualitative study faculty members of medical schools, medical graduated of 2005-6, and medical students of different phases participated. With participation of these subjects Focus Group Discussion (FGD) sessions were carried out. The goals of the projects were first explained for participants. In the end of each discussion session the discussions were careful transcribed. The sessions continued till the sessions get saturated. The transcript of discussion was thoroughly reviewed by researchers and codified. The problems were classified in 7 areas of management, planning, education goals, evaluation, ethics, teaching, and students.Results: The subjects believed that the most important problems in Kermanshah medical school include neglecting the student evaluation, no educational objectives or being inattentive to them, unwanted effects of pay for service plan, too much duties for interns (students), overload of medical duties and insufficiency in the number of faculty members, no rewarding system for teachers, inattention to needed outcomes, shortage of facilities for student in hospital and being negligent about mutual respect between students and teachers.Conclusion: some of the problems such as the effects of pay for service plan and insufficiency in the number of faculty members have solutions stemming beyond the university at Ministry of Health level, however, most problems are local, therefore, if the directors pay more attention regarding planning, allocation and management, we can see quality improvement in medical education in Kermanshah medical school.


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