Assessing a Media Production Workshop based on Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model


avatar Azam Mohamadloo 1 , avatar Mohtasham Ghaffari 2 , *

PhD Candidate of Health Education & Promotion,Student Research Committee, School of Public Health, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Environmental and Occupational Research Center, School of Public Health, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Health Services, Tehran, Iran

How To Cite Mohamadloo A, Ghaffari M. Assessing a Media Production Workshop based on Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model. J Med Edu. 2016;15(3):e105524.


Background and Purpose: There are 3 specific reasons for education evaluation: to justify the existence and budget of the training department by showing how it contributes to the organization’s objectives and goals, to decide whether to continue or discontinue training programs, and to gain information on how to improve future training programs. We aimed to assess the effectiveness a media production workshop during 2014.Methods: In this quasi-experimental study a workshop related to producing media was evaluated among the health department staff of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences based on Kirkpatrick's model. Data were collected through DREEM questionnaire and analyzed using SPSS software, version 17.Results: In the reaction level, the mean±SD obtained from the learner’s perception of educational environment was 144.92±22.53. The mean±SD scores of learner’s perception of learning, learner’s perception of course teachers, learner’s academic self-perception, learner’s perceptions of atmosphere, and learner’s social self perceptions were 29.61±4.87, 33.61±4.78, 21.84±3.71, 36.38±7.07, and 20.15±3.13, respectively.Conclusions: In the reaction level, the correlation between the scales of the learner’s perception of educational environment showed that better learning can be provided with minimal changes in each of the scales. The results of correlation between the reaction to the learning level showed that the learner’s perception of teacher compared with other scales has an important role in raising awareness. Kirkpatrick evaluation framework, confirms the success of the workshop at the level of reaction and learning. Future studies using case and control groups are recommended to achieve better results.


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