Effect of Simulation Based Education in Reduction Error and Achieves Skills in Medical Radiation Technologist Students


avatar Hadi Hasanzadeh 1 , avatar Amir Houshng Barati 2 , * , avatar Nasrollah Jabari 3 , avatar Mehran Yarahmadi 2 , avatar Farzane Allavaisi 2

Department of Medical Physics, Semnan University of Medical Sciences, Semnan, Iran
Department of Medical Physics, Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Sannandaj, Iran
Department of Medical Physics, Uromieh University of Medical Sciences, Uromieh, Iran

How To Cite Hasanzadeh H, Barati A H, Jabari N, Yarahmadi M, Allavaisi F. Effect of Simulation Based Education in Reduction Error and Achieves Skills in Medical Radiation Technologist Students. J Med Edu. 2016;15(4):e105549. https://doi.org/10.22037/jme.v15i4.13295.


Background and Purpose: This study was designed to investigate of simulation based education in achieves skills proficiency in medical radiation technologist students.Methods: The students randomly were divided in two groups, A (n=25) and B (n=22) that received a routine course and simulation based education respectively. The chain of experiments was concerned to evaluate of skills proficiency and reduction error in clinical situation. These experiments includes, time and quality of iso-center setup for linear accelerator, geometrical error in patient positioning, time and accuracy for radiation axis and gantry angle. All experiments were designed in a human phantom. Statistical analysis were performed as the mean and standard deviation with a significance level of p-value <0.05.Results: The duration time for iso-center setup in group A and group B was 4.17 ± 0.76 min and 2.45 ± 0.80 min respectively. The geometrical error in group B was smaller than the group A (p<0.05). The time average for selection of radiation axis in group B was less than 15 sec (81.8% (n=22)) versus 15 -25 sec (75 %( n=25)) in group A (p<0.01). The tasks correctness for group B was better than the group A (p<0.05). Also time duration for gantry angle in prone and supine position for group B was smaller than the A group, 72.7% less than 1.5 min (n=22) versus 16.7% (n=25) respectively.Conclusions: The results show that the simulation based education is useful in reduction errors and achieves skills proficiency in medical radiation technologist students in clinical situations.


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