Encouraging Factors for Invest in Higher Education in the Private Sector in Iran


avatar Shahram Yazdani 1 , avatar Marzieh DashtiRahmatabadi 1 , * , avatar Ebrahim Alimohamadi 2

School of Medical Education Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Department of Quranic Sciences and Hadith, University of Qom, Qom, Iran

How To Cite Yazdani S, DashtiRahmatabadi M, Alimohamadi E. Encouraging Factors for Invest in Higher Education in the Private Sector in Iran. J Med Edu. 2017;16(1):e105559. https://doi.org/10.22037/jme.v16i1.15772.


Higher education which has the main role in the training of skilled human resource can also be considered as the foundation of wealth creation in the country. The quantitative and qualitative expansion of higher education is inevitable. The facilities and the government budget are not responsive for the need, due to the increasing demand of young people for entering higher education in Iran. Therefore, developing and equipping universities and unpublicized and private higher education institutions have received considerable attention and have grown substantially. We aimed to evaluate educational experts regarding encouraging factors of the private sections for more participating in financing of higher education centers and institutions in Iran. Qualitative content analysis method has been used.The participants were selected using purposive sampling. The professors were in positions of policymaking and managing and had opinions on the challenges of universities financing. Data collection was conducted with semi-structured interview in 2016 and all ethical considerations associated with qualitative research were respected. The main concepts obtained from the interview were reported in the three main themes and their sub-classes. We have found that with the authorities given to universitiesby law, and preparing the transition from the based solely on government resources to the private section is provided by taking the appropriate decisions of managers to attract investors Universities can benefit from promoting different mechanisms to attract private financing in the higher education section. Solutions also were presented in this way. The idea of educational investment not only can promote the community investments towards higher education, but also has been the promotion of knowledge-based business in the community and promotes entrepreneurship and knowledge-based economy.


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