The Relationship between Erciyes, Selçuk, and Akdeniz Medical School Third-Year Students’ Learning Approaches and Their Non-attendance Attitude and Tendencies


avatar Zeynep Baykan 1 , * , avatar Yeşim Şenol 2 , avatar Ayşen Melek Aytuğ Koşan 3 , avatar Melis Naçar 4

Associate Professor, Erciyes University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Education, Kayseri, Turkey
Professor, Akdeniz University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Education, Antalya, Turkey
Asistant Professor, Selçuk University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Education, Konya, Turkey
Professor, Erciyes University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Education, Kayseri, Turkey

How To Cite Baykan Z, Şenol Y, Aytuğ Koşan A M, Naçar M. The Relationship between Erciyes, Selçuk, and Akdeniz Medical School Third-Year Students’ Learning Approaches and Their Non-attendance Attitude and Tendencies. J Med Edu. 2017;16(2):e105575.


Background: Non-attendance is an undesirable student behavior. Although some studies about the factors for non-attendance behavior have been carried out at medical schools, the learning approach of a student has not been studied and it can also be a factor for non-attendance. We aimed to assess the relationship between learning approaches and non-attendance attitude and tendency.Methods: This is a correlational study. 644 students registered in three medical schools were enrolled. Data were collected during May 2015. “The Revised Two Factor Learning Approach Scale”, “Non-attendanceAttitude Scale” and “Non-attendance Tendency Scale” were used as data collection tools.Results: Out of 478 studied students, 10.3% mentioned that they never missed theoretical classes and 71.3% mentioned that they never missed practical classes. Sleeplessness was the most common reason fornon-attendance. 45.6% of all students thought that non-attendance affected student success. The students’ mean score for deep learning was 29.5±6.1 and for superficial learning was 30.5±5.6. The mean scorefor non-attendance attitude scale was 54.4±12.8 and from non-attendance tendency scale was 90.5±19.6. Conclusion: Learning approach is an effective factor for attendance. As deep learning approach is adopted, tendency for non-attendance decreases and the attitude becomes positive.


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