Perceived Barriers and Effect of Knowledge-based Intervention on the Competencies of Medical Faculty Members towards Conducting Research


avatar Bhola Nath 1 , * , avatar Ranjeeta Kumari 2

Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine, VCSGGMS&RI, Srinagara, Srikot, Pauri, Uttarakhand, India
Associate professor , Department of Community Medicine, AIIMS Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India

How To Cite Nath B, Kumari R. Perceived Barriers and Effect of Knowledge-based Intervention on the Competencies of Medical Faculty Members towards Conducting Research. J Med Edu. 2017;16(2):e105576.


Background: Medical research is an important aspect of health care. In order to promote research, the regulation of Medical Council of India had made publications as a pre-requisite of promotion. The present study has been planned to assess the knowledge and perception of the medical faculty towards research, and to identify barriers in undertaking research. Lack of aptitude for research emanates from lack of knowledge, motivation, resources, funding and administrative support. This study aimed to assess the perception related to knowledge, practices and barriers in undertaking research among the medical faculty.Methods: The present study was a cross-sectional study conducted among faculty members of the Government Medical College, Srinagar, Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand. A pre-tested questionnaire was administered to assess the perception of respondents related to knowledge, practices and barriers in undertaking research.Results: 39.6% of the faculty members felt that their primary activity was only teaching. 75% of the faculty members considered themselves as having some knowledge in research methods. 25% of the faculty members always had problems in accessing the scientific literature in conducting theresearch. Barriers were felt by the faculty members in areas of funding, support from institution, administration, etc.Conclusion: Knowledge about source of funding, research methods, and biostatistics was perceived to be lacking. Also, faculty members felt the lack of motivation as a barrier in undertaking research.


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