Research in Medical Education - Awareness and Perspectives of Medical teachers: A Cross Sectional Survey


avatar Aliya Nusrath 1 , * , avatar N. Asha Rani 2 , avatar Shilpashree YD 2

Professor and Head, Department of Biochemistry, Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences, BG Nagara, Karnataka, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences, BG Nagara, Karnataka, India

How To Cite Nusrath A, Rani N A, YD S. Research in Medical Education - Awareness and Perspectives of Medical teachers: A Cross Sectional Survey. J Med Edu. 2017;16(3):e105586.


Background: Medical education research is of great relevance as it ultimately reflects patient care.Research in this field is neglected for varied reasons. Hence, the present study was undertaken to explore the perceptions, awareness and practices of medical teachers for conducting research in medical education and analyzing the challenges towards conducting research in medical education.Methods: A cross sectional observational survey was done using a structured, validated, self administered questionnaire on 108 medical teachers working in a medical college Results: A total of 83% of teachers were aware of research in medical education but only 22% were involved in research in medical education. 38% had undergone training in Medical Education Technology and 23% in research in medical education methodology. Lack of Training (78%) and lack of knowledge in education research (73%) were cited as the most frequent challenges in research inmedical education. Problem Based Learning / Case Based Learning (73%) and Teaching Learning methodology (71%) are the most frequently cited areas for conduction of research in medical education.Conclusion: Managers /administrators and policy makers should take measures to promote research in medical education by organizing awareness and training in educational research methodology, aswell as in providing adequate grants for conducting research in this field.


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