Cooperative Learning: Experiences of Implementing to an Undergraduate Health Sciences Program


avatar Babu Noushad 1 , * , avatar Faraz Khurshid 1 , avatar Galal Mohamed Ismail 1

College of Health Sciences, University of Buraimi, Sultanate of Oman

How To Cite Noushad B, Khurshid F, Ismail G M. Cooperative Learning: Experiences of Implementing to an Undergraduate Health Sciences Program. J Med Edu. 2019;18(1):e105658.


Background: Retinoscopy is one of the important clinical skills an undergraduate optometry student should learn. It requires time, dedication, practice and support to attain an acceptable level of proficiency. We report the process of implementing Cooperative Learning (CL) for Retinoscopy skill training in an Optometry program, focusing the preparation, implementation and our experiences.Methods: Year-2 Optometry students were divided into heterogeneous groups to facilitate formal cooperative learning. Students worked together as cooperative units, regulated their own learning and contributed to the success of the group under faculty supervision.Results: Participants positively responded to the supportive learning environment. Faculty felt the implementation and weekly skills training sessions were less cumbersome though the initial planning and preparation was more.Conclusion: Students and faculty appreciated the promotive learning environment that CL offered to maximize learning Retinoscopy and develop social and communication skills.


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