Introduction of the Game- Based Learning Platform, Kahoot, as a Tool in Radiology Resident Training


avatar Susana Calle 1 , * , avatar Eliana Bonfante 1 , avatar Roy Riascos 1

Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

How To Cite Calle S, Bonfante E, Riascos R. Introduction of the Game- Based Learning Platform, Kahoot, as a Tool in Radiology Resident Training. J Med Edu. 2019;18(2):e105676.


While passive lecture-based learning practices remain popular among medical educators, their retention rates are generally poor. Current movements in medical education encourage alternativeteaching methods designed to maximize knowledge retention, reduce lapses in attention and uncover the learner’s intrinsic motivations.Kahoot is a web-based program where the user can easily construct games, nicknames “kahoots” free of charge. By harnessing the benefits of the “fun theory” and “gamification”, Kahoot can serve as a useful tool for radiology resident training.In this manuscript we describe how to use the game-based learning platform, Kahoot, in radiology trainee education. This manuscript illustrates how to design interactive question sets and demonstrates the advantages of Kahoot over traditional approaches to teaching.


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