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Analysis of the Orthodontic Exams in Department of Orthodontics of Shahid Beheshti Dental School

Kazem DalaeiKazem Dalaei1, Ali Khorsand NobaharAli Khorsand Nobahar2, Mohammad BehnazMohammad Behnaz3, Mahtab NouriMahtab Nouri3, Fahimeh AnbariFahimeh Anbari4,*
1Dental Research Center, Research Institute of Dental Research, School of Dentistry, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
2Dentist, Tehran, Iran
3Department of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
4Department of Oral Medicine, School of Dentistry, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Journal of Medical Education for Future Demands:Vol. 20, issue 1; e111566
Published online:May 17, 2021
Article type:Research Article
Received:Nov 24, 2020
Accepted:Apr 24, 2021
How to Cite:Kazem DalaeiAli Khorsand NobaharMohammad BehnazMahtab NouriFahimeh AnbariAnalysis of the Orthodontic Exams in Department of Orthodontics of Shahid Beheshti Dental School.J Med Edu.20(1):e111566.https://doi.org/10.5812/jme.111566.



Exams are an inseparable part of education, and they are the main tool to evaluate the results of educational process. If based on scientific rules, exams can show the level of achievement to educational goals.


This study aimed to evaluate the quality of orthodontic exams in Shahid Beheshti Dental School, Iran.


In this cross-sectional study, the quality of all written and multiple-choice questions (MCQ) exams of orthodontic department in 2014 - 2015 were evaluated in terms of content validity, structural rules, discrimination index, difficulty index, and taxonomy. To collect the data, the Millman checklist, content analysis table, and standard formula were used. SPSS software version 21 was used to analyze the data. T-test, chi square, and independent sample test were used for statistical analysis.


Our results showed that 86.55% of exams were in MCQ form and 13.5% in written form. Content validity was considered in 94.8% of exams. Standard structural rules were observed in 93.61% of questions. Discriminative index and difficulty index were estimated to be 41.6 and 68.8%, respectively. Also, 43.7% of questions were categorized as taxonomy I, 44.38% as taxonomy II, and 11.58% as taxonomy III.


Exams held in Shahid Beheshti Dental School in the 2014 - 2015 academic year were acceptable considering their content validity, structural rules, and difficulty index. However, their discrimination index was low, and they were in poor conditions in terms of taxonomy.

1. Background

Evaluation is considered as a systematic process of data collection, analysis, and interpretation in order to judge and determine whether the desired objective is achieved or will be achieved, and the extent to which it is achieved (1). If an exam has no desired design in the field of taxonomic selection of questions, observance of structural rules, content validity, and other indices of exams standardization, not only the main role of the exam, which is a complementary and vital component of training, is lost, but also it has negative impacts on learners and devalues the efforts of professors and the educational system; thus, it is necessary to investigate the quality of questions and the standardization of the exam (2).

Accurate understanding of the structure of the exams and the existing problems is necessary to improve the quality of existing programs according to the standards determined by the Education Development Center (EDC) of the university. The results of some studies have shown that professors do not have sufficient skills in designing course exams. As a result, they often use simple and superficial concepts of the course to measure the academic achievement of students, and in most cases, the questions are vague (3).

Several studies have investigated multiple choice questions (MCQ) in universities and higher education institutions worldwide (4-6). The results of these studies showed that some inappropriate questions are used in MCQ exams, and there are serious problems, especially structural problems, in implementation and development of exams. In addition, many instructors teach without sufficient training in measurement and development of exams.

To solve this problem, first, the existing shortcomings and weaknesses are identified through considering the priorities. Then, by holding training courses to introduce the available resources and conducting studies in this field, the necessary skills are provided to the teachers.

Considering the importance of evaluation in the higher education system and the need for preparation and empowerment of teachers in preparing and designing appropriate exams, this study aimed to investigate four-choice theoretical exam questions at the end of the students’ rotations in the orthodontics department in the second semester for the academic year 2014 - 2015 to find the possible shortcomings.

In measurement, the attributes or properties of objects and individuals are determined, and the value of those attributes or properties is reported as a number with a digit, therefore it can be said that "measurement is the process that determines that a person or an object has a certain amount of an attribute or properties" (7).

Nitko (2006) defined educational measurement as follows: “how to assign a number (commonly called a score) to an attribute pack with a specific attribute of a person so that the number indicates the degree of that attribute with the attribute that the person has” (8).

Measurement is a process. This process requires a tool called a measuring device. Different tools are used to measure the different attributes of objects and individuals (9).

By definition, then, an exam is a systematic means or method of measuring an example of behavior (10). The more examples of selected and included behaviors in the exam are representative of the desired psychological attributes, the more accurate and reliable the measurement sources are.

An MCQ exam consists of a number of questions, each of which consists of a main part and a number of options (answers), and the exam taker chooses the correct option (answer to the question) from the proposed options (9). These exams can measure most learning outcomes from knowledge to understanding, judging, problem solving, providing practical suggestions, and predicting things. Almost any understanding with the ability measured by other exams - short answer, complete, correct-incorrect, matching, and written - can be measured by MCQ exams (11).

In written exams (essay exams), on the other hand, the examinees present their knowledge in an essay format. Therefore, such exams are most often used in small-scale settings such as educational courses where the number of examinees is limited (12).

The purpose of analyzing exam questions is to investigate each question and determine their accuracy and inadequacies. For analyzing exam questions, the strengths and weaknesses of an exam and the quality of all its questions are determined. Therefore, it is necessary for professors to analyze the questions after each exam and use the results to revise the exam and improve the quality of questions for later use.

The information needed to analyze the questions of an exam are the answers given by the exam takers to each question; so it should be determined how many individuals have chosen the right option in each question, each of the deviation options attracts how many individuals and how many individuals have left them unanswered (8, 13).

The total percentage of subjects who answer a question correctly gives the difficulty index of that question. The larger the difficulty index of a question, the easier that question is, and the smaller the index, the more difficult the question. In general, when the difficulty index is between 0.3 and 0.7, maximum information is provided about the differences among the subjects (14).

Unlike difficulty index, which indicates how easy or difficult a question is for the exam group, the coefficient of discrimination, denoted by d, indicates the strength of the question in distinguishing between the strong group and the weak group of exam subjects, i.e., it shows how much the question can separate the strong group from the weak one.

Each type of measuring tool should have features so that the tool is useful for the purpose for which it was made. The best of these features are validity and reliability. Validity is a term that refers to the objective that the exam is designed for. It is a valid exam that is suitable for measuring what is intended. Content validity indicates the extent to which the sample questions used in an exam represent a comprehensive set of possible questions that can be prepared from the content with the subject matter. In order to prepare a good academic achievement test, the exam questions should be a complete sample of the objectives and content of the course (15).

The reliability of a measuring device refers to the accuracy of that device. An exam is reliable if we give it to a single group of individuals several times in a short period of time, and the results should be close to each other (16).

2. Methods

This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on all MCQ and written exams of theoretical orthodontics courses 1, 2, and 3 at the end of the second semester at the Orthodontics Department of Shahid Beheshti Dental School in the academic years of 2014 - 2015.

The information was collected through checklists, calculations, expert consensus, interviews, and group discussions.

The coefficient of discrimination and difficulty index of the questions were calculated by the following formula.

Coefficient of discrimination = (Number of correct choices of the higher group- Number of correct choices of the lower group) / Total number of individuals

Difficulty index = Number of correct choices / Total number of individuals

The list of students' scores was sorted from higher to lower. One-third of the students who scored higher than the range were in the higher group, and one-third of the students who scored lower than the range were in the lower group.

The list of scores of each exam was provided to the researcher through training, which was copied from the list of original scores. The names of the students were removed, and only scores were available in the copied lists. For each exam, the sheets of the higher and lower groups were separated, and for each question, the number of correct choices in each group was counted separately and placed in the above formulas to obtain the coefficient of discrimination or difficulty index for each question. It is easy to measure the right choices for multiple choice or true and false questions.

The degree of observance of structural rules in questions and exams (Table 1) (17) was measured in two separate tables.

Table 1.Investigating the Exam According to Millman Principles
Type of Question/Index% of Observance% of Non-observanceTotal Cases
Avoid using the words of who and when
The text length of the correct and incorrect questions is the same
Multiple choice
Match the length of the options
Short options
Definite and prominent negative words
Do not use conflicting options, one of which is correct
Failure to design double negative questions
Just one correct answer
Deviation option in terms of length, structure, and words used
Do not use the same words in the questions and options
Do not use A and B or B and C
Do not repeat a phrase in all options
Do not use all or none of options
All questions
Do not use absolute adverbs like only, never, and always and words like often and sometimes
Use correct grammatical rules
Do not use spaces at the beginning or middle of the question text
Do not use abbreviations
No writing errors
No misspellings
The main content is completely in the main text of the question
A clear question
Evaluate a specific goal
Not irrelevant long text of the question
Using positive verbs

Investigating the Exam According to Millman Principles

The cognitive level (taxonomy) of the questions and the content validity of the exams were measured by three faculty members of the orthodontics department.

Content validity determines that the test questions are related to the educational objectives of the course and it is 100% when all the questions are related to the educational objectives and there is no question that has not considered a goal or is not related to the objectives or content of the course plan (15).

The content analysis table (Table 2) was provided to three faculty members of the orthodontics department. In this table, four-choice questions are placed along with the options of each question. Two extra columns were provided to determine the content coverage and the cognitive level of each question.

Table 2.Content Analysis
QuestionValidityTaxonomyAccording to the Lesson Objectives
The text of the questions is not displayed in this table due to the fidelity and safety of the questionsDifficulty indexTaxonomy I
Coefficient of discriminationTaxonomy II
Structural validityTaxonomy III-

Content Analysis

The data obtained from the study were analyzed using SPSS software version 21 and t-test, chi square, and independent sample test. The tables of frequency and frequency percentage and bar graphs were used to review the study results.

3. Results

In this study, a total of 147 questions and the sheets of 249 students were investigated. Table 3 shows the frequency and distribution of students and questions.

Table 3.Frequency and Distribution of Students and Questions
The Name of the ExamEducational YearTotal Number of QuestionsNumber of QuestionsNumber of Students
Orthodontics 120142020045
Orthodontics 220142020044
Orthodontics 320143430426
Orthodontics 120152323053
Orthodontics 220154034636
Orthodontics 3201526141245

Frequency and Distribution of Students and Questions

The overall observance of structural rules was 93.6%, which was 91.2% in 2014 and 96% in 2015 (P = 0.8).

The content validity of exams considering the lesson objectives was 94.8% totally, which was 96.6% in 2014 and 93% in 2015 (P = 0.7).

The difficulty index was 68.4% in general, that was 69.5% in 2014 and 67.3% in 2015 (P = 0.5).

The overall discrimination index was 0.41, which was 0.42 for exams held in 2014 and 0.4 in 2015 (P = 0.8).

The distribution and percentage of all variables are shown in Table 4.

Table 4.Details of All Variables According to Exams (in Percentage)
The Name of the ExamEducational YearContent Validity IndexStructural Validity IndexDifficulty IndexDiscrimination IndexNumber of QuestionsTaxonomy
Orthodontics 120149587.8565.70.48200552520
Orthodontics 220149591.7670.4420055405
Orthodontics 320141009475.60.3530436.742.921.4
Orthodontics 1201591.394.9474.10.3523047.852.20
Orthodontics 2201591.796.263.30.4234632.452.914.7
Orthodontics 3201595.89764.60.43141235.742.921.4

Details of All Variables According to Exams (in Percentage)

4. Discussion

Our results showed that most of the orthodontic exams are held in the form of MCQ (86.55%), and only a small part (13.5%) is in the form of written questions. Interestingly, this distribution does not exist in all exams, and in some of the exams, only MCQs are used, which indicates that most professors use objective questions to measure students' academic achievement and use subjective and written exams less. The objective exams are those in which both the question and the answer are given to the exam takers, and the exam taker decides on the given answers. These exams usually measure the ability to recognize, while written exams generally measure the ability to recall. Although these two processes of recall and recognition are psychologically closely related and constitute aspects of memory, they differ in terms of practical and applicable abilities. Therefore, it can be said that most orthodontic exams measure students' knowledge to the extent of recognition. However, it is better to use written and objective exams (multiple-choice questions) at the same time to better identify what students have learned.

According to the results of data analysis, the average rate of observing structural rules in orthodontic exams was 93.61%, which is not significantly different from the average for exams in all departments in 2000 - 2001 by Baharvand et al. (18) (96.2%); in general, this shows the high quality of orthodontic exams in terms of structure. The case that was not observed in terms of structural validity more than others was related to the use of negative words and verbs, as well as using the option of ‘all or none of the options’ in the answers.

The content validity, expressed here as content relevance, was evaluated against the course plan which was planned by the department.

The content validity of the studied exams was 94.8%, which shows that unrelated questions related to the taught chapters are rarely included in the exams, and the educational objectives are well covered. This result is also consistent with Baharvand’s (18) as well as Kazemi’s (19) studies. They evaluated 1013 questions gathering from 18 exams, and their results showed a content validity of 92.38%.

Validity refers to the objective that the exam is designed to achieve. A valid exam is the one that is suitable for measuring what is desired.

Many sets of questions can be prepared in a subject. Content validity indicates to which extent the sample of questions used in an exam represents this comprehensive set. In order to make the exams valid, the exam questions should be a complete example of the objectives and content of the course. One of the factors that affect the validity of the exam is the quality of the exam questions. A question that is prepared according to the rules in the field of questioning adds to the validity of the exam (15).

The average difficulty index of the studied exams in this study was 68.38%. The orthodontic exam of the second semester of 2014 - 2015 had the highest difficulty index, which can be considered due to the small number of MCQ exams, that were the purpose of this study. Also, orthodontic exam 3 had the lowest difficulty index.

It can be said that the difficulty index of the exams was appropriate, and the exams were not very difficult or very easy. These results are consistent with the results of Abbasi et al. (20) in which only 27.6% of questions had an appropriate range of difficulty coefficient. However, they are inconsistent with Imam Jome et al. (21) results in which 62% of the questions were considered as easy.

One of our expectations of standard exams is that the exam takers got scores which are distributed over a range. The wider the distribution, the better is the exam. In other words, the higher the variance of the scores obtained from the standard exam, the better the exam. Considering the difficulty index obtained from this study, it can be said that almost all the studied exams were appropriate in terms of the distribution of scores, and they were suitable and standard in this respect (variances).

A larger coefficient of discrimination indicates the distinctive power of the question, and the closer this number is to one, the more appropriate it is. It can be said that the coefficient of discrimination of the studied exams was low (with an average of 0.4116), which shows that the studied questions do not have the power to distinguish between strong and weak students.

The students of Shahid Beheshti Dental School are considered the best ones and also at the same level of knowledge in the entrance exam. This can be assumed the reason for the low coefficient of discrimination, but the distribution of students' scores in the exams and reports obtained from teachers rejected this claim. So, it can be concluded that in terms of the distinctive power, question design is not appropriate. These results are consistent with the results of Abbasi et al. (20) in which 87.6% of the questions had the coefficient of discrimination of less than 0.5. Also, in a study by Baharvand et al. (18) conducted on the written exams of theoretical courses, the coefficient of discrimination was 22.3% in all departments, which shows that the orthodontic department exams have much higher distinctive power than the theoretical exams of other departments.

The percentage of taxonomy of the questions was non-uniformly distributed. Approximately 90% of the questions were in the Taxonomy I and II. In the orthodontic exam of the second half of 2013 - 2014, no question was placed in Taxonomy III group. Also, no significant relationship was observed between the high percentage of questions and the cognitive level of Taxonomy III, and the difficulty index of the exam. This might be due to the study population of our study. We used only MCQ exams for calculating the difficulty index, while most questions in the level of Taxonomy III were in the form of written question.

In general, the results show that most of the questions designed in orthodontic exams of Shahid Beheshti Dental School measure most of the students' mental archives, and the number of questions for which the student needs to be analyzed is small. This finding is consistent with the study by Shakournia (3), in which 90% of MCQ exams were in Taxonomy I and II. It is also consistent with the study by Baharvand et al. (18), in which the percentage of questions with this taxonomy was 84.6%. Also, with increasing students' educational level and the expansion of the taught materials, the possibility for professors to design questions with higher cognitive levels (taxonomy III) is increased, and more questions were observed at this level in the theoretical orthodontic exam 3 in both semesters of 2013 - 2014 and 2014 - 2017. Taxonomy I and II generally investigate memory and recall, and Taxonomy III analyzes and combines the information of the exam subject with the practical power of the information. From Anderson/Krathwohl's point of view (2001), Taxonomy I measures knowledge that is less involved in understanding at this level, and the only memorization is investigated. At the cognitive level, Taxonomy II requires a greater understanding of superficial awareness of information in memory. Understanding the content causes them not to be forgotten. At a higher cognitive level, Taxonomy III, the lessons learned are more in-depth than the previous two ones, and we need to combine previous information and lessons learned.

Also, with comparing the index between similar exams of 2013 - 2014 and 2014 - 2017, the only index that had a significant difference was the structural validity index in the theoretical orthodontic exam (P = 0.01) and theoretical orthodontics 2 (P = 0.06). In both cases, the structural validity was increased in 2014 - 2015 exams.

4.1. Conclusion

According to our results, MCQ/written exams held in the orthodontics department of Shahid Beheshti School of Dentistry in academic years of 2013 - 2014 and 2014 - 2015 were at a relatively good level in terms of observing indices for measuring the quality of exams. While the content validity, observance of structural rules, and difficulty index of the exams were appropriate and acceptable, the discrimination coefficient and cognitive level of the questions (taxonomy) were at a low level, which requires more attention.



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