Journal of Medical Education for Future Demands
Former Title: Journal of Medical Education | The Official Journal of School of Medical Education and Learning Technologies
1. Postexamination item analysis of undergraduate pediatric multiple-choice questions exam: implications for developing a validated question Bank
- Nagwan I. Rashwan
- Soha R. Aref
- Omnia A. Nayel
- Mennatallah H. Rizk
2. Comparing the Performance of ChatGPT-4 and Medical Students on MCQs at Varied Levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy
- Ambadasu Bharatha
- Nkemcho Ojeh
- Ahbab Mohammad Fazle Rabbi
- Michael Campbell
- Kandamaran Krishnamurthy
- Rhaheem Layne-Yarde
- Alok Kumar
- Dale Springer
- Kenneth Connell
- Md Anwarul Majumder