In this study, different extracts of roots were used for the evaluation of its healing effect in diabetic wound model in rats. Diabetes was induced in Wistar rats, then wound incised on the back of rat, and subsequently they were divided into nine groups which eight of them contain eucerin with four concentrations of hexane extract (20%, 30%, 40%, 60%) and three other extract as aceton30%, ethanol30% and hydroEthanol30%, and one base eucerin without extract. Other formula was traditional formula and phenytoin. A photograph of the dorsum of the rat was taken from a standard height in days 0, 3, 6, 9, 15 and 20. Then, samples were processed in the pathologic surveys. Our study showed that the best result was demonstrated by Phenytoin cream treated group.
Our results indicated that like the general belief in west of Iran population, the ointment with n-Hex30% extracts of O. microcarpum could promote healing in described animal model, diabetic foot ulcer, compared to control.
Boraginaceae Eucerin Extract Foot Ulcer Tashnedari wound healing