Announcement of New Publisher

Last Update: 11 March, 2024 | 14:17

⚠️ Please Do NOT submit your manuscripts to the OLD website.

We only do peer-review articles on the new ‎‎Journal Website: 


📢 Announcement:‎

‎"Brieflands is the new publisher of the Journal of Reports in Pharmaceutical Sciences; beginning from 1 Jan 2024"‎


Dear Distinguished Authors & Readers,

‎We are pleased to announce that from 1 Jan 2024, the Journal of Reports in Pharmaceutical Sciences‎‎ (JRPS) is being published with our new publisher: Brieflands! ‎


The journal's editorial board is pleased to announce that, beginning with Volume 12, Issue 1, JRPS is being published by Brieflands.

Due to the transition of JRPS's publisher and the challenges in accepting and evaluating submitted manuscripts during this significant period of change, we regret to inform you that it will not be possible to publish for the year 2023. We are working diligently to ensure the forthcoming volume will be published shortly. We extend our sincere apologies to all authors and readers for the delay in JRPS's publication schedule.


The attention of the readers and reviewers ‎of this journal is called to this important change since all processes of submission, tracking, and ‎publishing should be subsequently to the new publisher: Brieflands.‎


Concurrent with the change in publisher is an increase in the overall dimensions of the journal ‎environment. Authors are requested to refer to the revised instructions for Authors.


PublisherWolters Kluwer - MedknowBrieflands
Date of Change-1 Jan 2024
ScopesAll aspects of Pharmaceutical Sciences, moreAll aspects of Pharmaceutical Sciences, more


Print: 2322-1232 | Electronic: 2322-5106

Print: 2322-1232| Electronic: 2322-5106

Affected Issuesissues before Volume 12 ‎Issue 1Volume 12 Issue 1 onwards
Article Acceptance FeeFreeRefer here
Instruction for AuthorsLinkLink


We look forward to hearing you about our new website.‎

Kind Regards,‎      
Dr. Gholamreza Bahrami 


Dr. Seyyed M. Miri,      
CEO of Brieflands
