

1. Role of sleep and neurochemical biomarkers in synaptic plasticity related to neurological and psychiatric disorders: A scoping review

- Johann Emilio Gonzales Embang

- Ying Hui Valerie Tan

- Yu Xuan Ng

- Gerard Jude Ponce Loyola

- Lik‐Wei Wong

- Yuqing Guo

- Yanhong Dong

2. (m-CF3-PhSe)2 benefits against anxiety-like phenotype associated with synaptic plasticity impairment and NMDAR-mediated neurotoxicity in young mice exposed to a lifestyle model

- Sabrina G. Müller

- Natália S. Jardim

- Guilherme Lutz

- Gilson Zeni

- Cristina W. Nogueira

3. Associated between cognition, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and macronutrients in normal and overweight postmenopausal women

- Kinga Mruczyk

- Marta Molska

- Rafał W. Wójciak

- Ewa Śliwicka

- Angelika Cisek-Woźniak