

1. Protective Effects of Curcumin on Increased Tumor Necrosis Factor-a Level and Apoptosis in Rat Skin Exposed to Ultraviolet Light from Compact Fluorescent Lamps

- Sina Dindarian

- Samira Abedi

- Naser Khalaji

- Masoumeh Pourjabali

2. Protective Effect of Curcumin against Sodium Salicylate-Induced Oxidative Kidney Damage, Nuclear Factor-Kappa Dysregulation, and Apoptotic Consequences in Rats

- Yasmina M. Abd-Elhakim

- Attia A. A. Moselhy

- Adil Aldhahrani

- Rasha R. Beheiry

- Wafaa A. M. Mohamed

- Mohamed Mohamed Soliman

- Bayan A. Saffaf

- Maha M. El Deib