ORCID in Brieflands Journals

Last Update: 17 August, 2024 | 06:11

With your ORCID ID, you now have the convenience of signing into the Nedmedica journal website and submitting your articles with ease. Nedmedica has introduced a new feature that allows users to log in using their ORCID. ORCID supplies a unique, persistent digital identifier that sets you apart from all other researchers. It integrates essential research workflows, including manuscript and grant submissions, fostering automated linkages between you and your professional activities. This ensures your work gets the recognition it deserves. For more information, please visit the ORCID website.

Understanding ORCID

  • ORCID is a non-profit organization established in 2010 by a collaboration of academic institutions, professional bodies, funding agencies, and publishers.
  • An ORCID iD is a unique, nonproprietary alphanumeric code assigned to differentiate individual academic authors.
  • ORCID resolves the complexities of indexing varying authors' names and affiliations in their publications. This encompasses accommodating for changes due to life events such as marriage, cultural differences in name ordering, inconsistency in first-name abbreviations, and diverse writing systems. ORCID establishes a persistent identity for individuals, akin to the role of digital object identifiers (DOIs) for digital content entities.
  • Upon registration with ORCID, users acquire an ORCID iD that can be linked to their published works and other professional activities. This allows authors to maintain a comprehensive and public record of their scholarly contributions.

What Does an ORCID ID Look Like?

An ORCID ID comprises a 16-digit number, which is presented in the format of a web address (hyperlink) leading to the researcher's profile. For example.

How to Activate ORCID and Display ORCID Badges in Journals?

If you have logged into the NeoScriber journals and cannot see your ORCID badges (icons) in your published articles, please set your ORCID account visibility to "everyone." To do so:

1) Log into your ORCID account and adjust your account visibility to "everyone" (located in the top right of the profile). Refer to the image below:

Instructions for activating ORCID and displaying ORCID badges in Neoscriber journals. The text advises users to set their ORCID account visibility to

2) Next, change the visibility of your "Email" in ORCID to "everyone." (Email visibility settings can be accessed from the left-hand menu in your profile). See the image below for reference:

Instructions for changing ORCID email visibility to

Finally, if you have any further queries, feel free to reach out to our support team.

ORCID Video Tutorials:

Benefits of ORCID

ORCID is freely accessible to individuals and it features a user-friendly application programming interface (API). This encourages its integration with existing systems, spurs the development of new tools, and promotes innovative uses of repository data. The perks of using ORCID are numerous:

Editors gain a comprehensive overview for reviewing a contributor's history and can obtain insight into an author's past work and professional relationships.

  1. Researchers avoid the hassle of inputting biographical and bibliographic data into multiple systems.
  2. Institutions and funding bodies benefit from a more accessible and reliable system for analyzing scholarly output.
  3. Publishers enjoy a simplified publication workflow and find more opportunities for product and service development.

Learn More About Signing in with ORCID

ORCID iD Requirement for Publication

Before your article can be published, it is essential to provide an ORCID iD for the corresponding author(s). If you already possess an ORCID iD, please include it during the submission process. If you have not yet registered with ORCID, we will assist you in creating an iD at the time of submission. While an ORCID iD is not necessary for submission or peer review, please note that your article cannot be published online until an ORCID iD is provided.

Further Information About ORCID

ORCID, or Open Researcher and Contributor ID, is a global, not-for-profit organization that provides a unique, persistent identifier for researchers, enabling them to manage their contributions and affiliations transparently. Governed by a diverse Board of Directors and supported by professional staff, ORCID aims to create a system where all participants in research, scholarship, and innovation are uniquely recognized and connected to their work. This initiative addresses challenges such as name ambiguity and varying cultural naming conventions, facilitating clearer attribution of scholarly contributions. By allowing researchers to maintain an updated digital profile, ORCID simplifies interactions with publishers and funding organizations, ultimately fostering a more interconnected research ecosystem.

1) Gain Recognition for Your Contributions to Scientific Work


A brief statement highlighting the importance of gaining recognition for contributions to scientific work.

2) Resolve the Issue of Name Ambiguity in Academic Bibliographies

Title suggesting a solution to name ambiguity in academic bibliographies, highlighting the importance of clearly identifying authors to improve citation accuracy and recognition in scholarly work.

3) Enhance the Visibility of Your Research Works

A brief guide on improving the visibility of your research works to reach a wider audience and increase impact.

4) Save Time with "Enter Once, Re-use Often"

A brief statement highlighting the benefit of the

5) A Valuable Badge for All Academic Members

Title highlighting the importance of a badge for all academic members, emphasizing its value and significance in the academic community.

6) Accompany You Throughout Your Career and Beyond

A tagline emphasizing support and guidance for individuals throughout their career journey and beyond.

7) Record All Your Peer Review Contributions for Inclusion in Your CV

A reminder to document all peer review contributions for inclusion in your CV.

8) Boost University Rankings

Overview of strategies for boosting university rankings. The text highlights the importance of improving institutional visibility and reputation through effective management and leadership. It discusses various factors influencing rankings, such as research output, student satisfaction, and career guidance programs. Additionally, it emphasizes the need for universities to engage alumni and enhance their profiles to attract funding and top-quality students. The text serves as a guide for institutions aiming to improve their positions in international rankings.

9) Permanent Link Between DOI and ORCID
