- Workshops & Training for Researchers
- Amos Workshop (21 May 2015)
- DOI workshop (Basic & Advanced level)
- SPSS Workshop (Advanced Level)
- Educational Series: Style Editing based on AMA Style
- How to Write Medical Articles?
- DOI workshop (19 February 2015)
- Endnote-Advanced Level (20 November 2014)
- Webinar: Conflict of Interest and How to write footnote in Articles
- 2 Days for AMA Manual of Style workshop
- Digital Object Identifier- DOI (13 November 2014)
- Workshop of Common Error in Medical Article Writings
- Meta-Analysis by Review Manager
- Medical Writing (11 July 2016)
- Meta-Analysis by Review Manager (14 January 2016)
- One-Day Seminar in Hamedan: What Do Editors Need to Improve Their Journals?
- Navigating the Kowsar Online System (Website and admin panel)
- One-Day Workshop of Article Writing, Part 1
- Peer Review: A Workshop in Mofid Children Hospital
- Peer review workshop (23 July 2015)
- Plagiarism-Advanced Level (9 October 2014)
- Plagiarism: An Editor Should be Awared!
- LISREL Workshop (16 April 2015)
- Meta Analysis Workshop
- Meta-Analysis by Review Manager (1 October 2015)
- Meta-Analysis in STATA (5 March 2015)
- Workshop of Statistical Analysis using MiniTab
- One-Day Seminar: What do editors need to improve their journals?
- One Day Workshop in Sari
- Plagiarism-Detection & Prevention
- Plagiarism-Basic level (27 November 2014)
- Plagiarism-Detection & Prevention (6 August 2015)
- LaTeX : High Quality Document Generation System (18 December 2014)
- Medical Writing Workshops
- Peer Review: A Workshop in Mashhad Medical University
- Calculate sample size by G-power workshop (10 June 2015)
- Medical Writing (27 Auguest 2015)
- Peer Review: Workshop in Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences
- SPSS Survival (26 Feb 2015)
- Plagiarism: Prevention and Approach to it based on COPE workflows
- Scientific Writing: Workshop in Brain and spinal cord repair research center
- SPSS (Basic level)
- SPSS workshop-Advanced Level (29 January 2015)
- Translation workshop (15 January 2015)
- Peer Review: Workshop in Iranian Society of Echocardiography
- Purposeful academic writing workshop (8 January 2015)
- Secretariat (Job Code 81)
- SPSS-Basic Level(23 April 2015)
- SPSS-Reliability & Validity(14 May 2015)
- STATA (Advanced Level)
- STATA (Basic Level)
- STATA-Basic Level (3 September 2015)
- The Sixth Annual Meeting of Iranian Society of Medical Editors
- What do editors need to improve their journals?
- Preparing resume and a CV
- Peer review-Basic Level (11 December 2014)
- Peer Review Workshop
- Two-Days Seminar in Ahvaz: What do editors need to improve their journals?
- Writing and Editing an Article
- Article Acceptance Process: Workshop in Shiraz Medical University, Colorectal Research Center
- Basic of medical journalism & publication strategy in biomedical sciences (12 March 2015)
- Peer Review Workshop in 6th Meeting of Iranian Society of Medical Editors
- 2 Days Workshop in Ahvaz: The Concept and Requirements of Successful Publishing
- One-Day Seminar for Editorial Board Members of Iranian J of Radiology
- ISI Web of Sciences: What does an EIC should know?
Webinar: Conflict of Interest and How to write footnote in Articles
On 14 Dec 2021, we held a webinar about "Conflict of Interest" and "How to write a footnote in an article" in cooperation with the Alumni Association of Sharif University of Technology presented by Dr. SM Miri (CEO of Briefland, The Netherlands).
Conflicts of interest (CoI) comprise those which may not be fully apparent and which may influence the judgment of the author, reviewers, and editors. They have been described as those that would make a reasonable reader feel misled or deceived when revealed later. They may be personal, commercial, political, academic, or financial.
Authors, editors, reviewers, publishers, and journal owners may all have conflicts of interest. Therefore, all of these groups must know the essential elements of CoI in their assignments.
The current webinar tries to explain the principles of CoI from different aspects to the mentioned audiences.
In the second part of the webinar, we will talk about "footnote" in an article. The footnote is one of the essential parts of an article that must be thought out before research. With this respect, we discuss more elements like authors' contribution, funding/support, informed consent, acknowledgments, etc.
This webinar is held in cooperation with the Alumni Association of Sharif University of Technology ( and will be freely available for all interested academic persons.
- Language of presentation: Farsi
- Date: 14 Dec 2021 (Time: 17:00 pm)
- Link of Presentation in Youtube:
- Link of Presentation in Aparat:
- Link of Presentation in Instagram: