

1. Topical Emulsion Containing Lavandula stoechas Essential Oil as a Therapeutic Agent for Cutaneous Wound Healing

- Mohamed Nadjib Boukhatem

- Henni Chader

- Aicha Houche

- Faiza Oudjida

- Fatma Benkebaili

- Yahia Hakim

2. Kajian Literatur: Massage untuk Peningkatan Kualitas Tidur pada Pasien Kritis

- Nindya Rachma Gardhika Sari

- Reni Sulung Utami

3. Back to the Roots—An Overview of the Chemical Composition and Bioactivity of Selected Root-Essential Oils

- Karin Lunz

- Iris Stappen

4. A New Eucalyptol-Rich Lavender (Lavandula stoechas L.) Essential Oil: Emerging Potential for Therapy against Inflammation and Cancer

- Mohamed Nadjib Boukhatem

- Thangirala Sudha

- Noureldien H.E. Darwish

- Henni Chader

- Asma Belkadi

- Mehdi Rajabi

- Aicha Houche

- Fatma Benkebailli

- Faiza Oudjida

- Shaker A. Mousa

5. Comparison of the effect of Sedamin and aromatherapy with Lavender on fatigue severity of patients with heart failure: A three arm randomized controlled trial

- Mahtab Hassanzadeh

- Zahra Farsi

- Seyedeh Azam Sajadi