Educational Research in Medical Sciences
1. Effect of Visual Multimedia as a Counseling Intervention for Improving Classroom Concentration Among Young Students in Northern Nigeria who Survived Kidnapping
- Amaka B. Ikechukwu-Ilomuanya
- Anibueze Anselm U
- Nneka S. Odoh
- George C. Odoh
- Eke Kalu Oyeoku
- Gever Verlumun Celestine
- Eva Obodo
2. Impact of Teaching Styles of Tennis Coaches on Students’ Performance
- Dongdong Chen
3. The effect of promoting factors on learning by four different delivery modes
- Marko Tolonen
- Miika Arvonen
- Marjo Renko
- Heikki Paakkonen
- Eija Piippo-Savolainen
4. Association between primary dysmenorrhoea on quality of life, mental health and academic performance among medical students in Indonesia: a cross-sectional study
- Herbert Situmorang
- Reynardi Larope Sutanto
- Kevin Tjoa
- Rivaldo Rivaldo
5. Çevrimiçi Derslerde Öğrenci Konsantrasyonunu Bozan Etmenler / Factors that Interrupt Student Concentration in Online Courses
- Bülent Döş