COPE Toolkit

Last Update: 8 December, 2024 | 06:05

We are proud to announce that Brieflands is taking steps to ensure the highest standards of ethical publishing by implementing the COPE Toolkit. This initiative will provide increased transparency in dealing with ethical issues in publishing, while also making it easier for authors and editors to access the necessary guidance throughout the publication process - from article submission to publication and even after publication. In addition, the COPE Toolkit will ensure that intellectual property rights and copyrights are properly respected. Brieflands is committed to providing the best possible framework for its policy regarding ethical issues and welcomes suggestions from users for continuous improvement of the journal's management system. 

The components of the COPE Toolkit included in Brieflands are: 


  1. CCP 1. Allegations of misconduct
  2. CCP 2. Authorship and contributorship
  3. CCP 3. Complaints and appeals
  4. CCP 4. Conflicts of interest/Competing interests
  5. CCP 5. Data and reproducibility | Data Repository
  6. CCP 6. Ethical oversight
  7. CCP 7. Intellectual property
  8. CCP 8. Journal management
  9. CCP 9. Peer review process
  10. CCP 10. Post-publication discussions and corrections

   Principles of Transparency (PoT):

  1. PoT 1. Name of journal
  2. PoT 2. Website
  3. PoT 3. Publishing schedule
  4. PoT 4. Archiving
  5. PoT 5. Copyright
  6. PoT 6. Licensing
  7. PoT 7. Publication ethics and related editorial policies
  8. PoT 8. Peer review
  9. PoT 9. Access
  10. PoT 10. Ownership and management
  11. PoT 11. Advisory body
  12. PoT 12. Editorial team/contact information
  13. PoT 13. Author fees
  14. PoT 14. Other revenue
  15. PoT 15. Advertising
  16. PoT 16. Direct marketing

  Additional Ethical Policies in Brieflands

The sections dedicated to ethical guidelines on our journal's website are crucial for everyone involved in scholarly publishing. Easily accessible, they highlight our dedication to upholding the highest ethical standards in research and publication. These guidelines are fundamental for authors, reviewers, and editors, promoting transparency, integrity, and accountability throughout the publication process. Following these principles is vital for ensuring the quality and trustworthiness of academic work, encouraging ethical research practices, and enhancing the progress of scientific knowledge.