Journal of Inflammatory Diseases
The Official Journal of Qazvin University of Medical Sciences
Research Article
Self-medication among the in-patients of Qazvin teaching hospitals
S Asefzadeh,
M Anbarloei*,
sh Habibi,
M Rezaei
Research Article
Ultrasonographic evaluation of the fetal genitourinary tract in Kosar Hospital of Qazvin
Q Qavami*
Research Article
Prevalence of exercise induced Asthma among pupils and its relation with their parents’ smoking habits
MA Zohal,
A Ehteshmi Afshar*,
M.M Zahmatkesh,
M Lashary
Research Article
Study of the related factors in couples’ sexual relationship during pregnancy
R Hasan Zahraee,
K shafiee*,
N Bashrdoost,
M Reihany,
P Jabery
Research Article
Pattern of drug consumption and its changes during the first trimester of pregnancy
M Dosttar sanaye,
AR Sobhani*
Research Article
Risk factors of postoperative nausea and vomiting following the use of N2O in general anesthesia
F Farzi,
H Movahedi*,
K Forghan parast,
M Narimani
Research Article
The effect of an additional Sodium diet on sex determination in rats
GhR Hasanzadeh,
M Alipoor*,
M Javadi
Research Article
Nurses and nurse-managers’ opinions about the importance of patients’ training barriers
F Borhani*
Research Article
Correlation between serum Potassium level and ventricular tachycardia in acute myocardial infarction
A Pourmoghaddas,
H Shemirani*,
M Garak Yaraghi
Research Article
Efficacy of Penicillin in normal 1 to 6 year old children with community-acquried pneumoniaه
J Faghihnia
Research Article
Comparison of Bethadine solution and Erythromycin ointment in prophylaxis of Ophthalmia neonatarum
D Aghadoste,
MR sharif*,
A khorshidi,
Gh Mosavi
Research Article
Evaluation of analgesic and ulcerogenic effect of Methanolic extract of Matricaria Chamomilla L
M.R Heidari,
A Asadipour*,
M Ghayoor
Research Article
Comparison of tubal ligation by bipolar electrocoagulation and Filshie-Clips
F Ramezani Tehrani,
SM sadat Hashemi*,
M Heidari seraj