Introducing Version 6.8 Update: Enhancements to Journal Management System Software at Brieflands

15 Apr, 2024


From the submission screening process to the admin panel's mobile view, we've taken care of every detail. This update also introduces a fresh redesign of a few pages on our publishing sites and a new PDF generation method. We've even gone ahead and added a new variable in the journal config for XML crossref. But that's not all.

Embracing a New Era of Journal Management Excellence

We are delighted to introduce the latest update to our Brieflands Journals Publications platform. Version 6.8 represents a significant milestone in our ongoing efforts to enhance your journal management system and streamline publishing processes. This iteration reflects our dedication to innovation and continuous improvement, informed by invaluable user feedback and a profound understanding of evolving needs.

Unveiling a Suite of Enhancements

Version 6.8 introduces a comprehensive array of enhancements designed to empower you with greater control, efficiency, and flexibility in managing your journals. Let's delve into some of the key highlights:

Show all steps in submission screening:

We've meticulously refined the submission screening workflow, providing a transparent and comprehensive overview of each step involved in the evaluation process. This enhanced visibility empowers editors to make informed decisions with greater efficiency.

Dark Mode for Admin Panel:

Embrace a user-friendly dark mode option for the admin panel, offering a visually comfortable and immersive experience for managing your journal settings and operations, particularly in low-light environments.

Mobile-Optimized Admin Panel:

Experience seamless navigation and enhanced functionality of the admin panel on mobile devices. We've optimized the layout and interactions to ensure a smooth and efficient management experience on the go.

Huge improvements in the new PDF generation method:

With Version 6.8, we've given some of our publishing site pages a complete face-lift. The redesigned pages are not just about aesthetics; they offer improved navigation and a more streamlined user experience. You'll find the information you need faster and have a more enjoyable browsing experience.

And then there's the new PDF generation method. We've made significant improvements in this area, resulting in quicker, more efficient generation of PDFs. This means you'll be able to download your favorite articles and papers in PDF format in no time. Plus, the quality of the generated PDFs is better than ever, ensuring a pleasant reading experience.

XML Crossref Variable:

We've added a new variable in journal configuration for XML Crossref, providing greater flexibility and control over cross-referencing for your journal's publications.

New Maquette Generator:

Introducing a new Maquette Generator tool that streamlines the process of creating and managing maquettes for your journal. This user-friendly tool simplifies the layout and formatting of journal issues.

AE Integration with NeoReward:

We've integrated NeoReward with the assigning editor (AE) role, enabling seamless integration with our peer review incentive program. This enhancement streamlines the process of recognizing and rewarding AEs for their valuable contributions.

Pub-Dates and Journal Publishing Models:

We've enhanced support for pub-dates and journal publishing models, providing greater flexibility in managing publication schedules and aligning with your journal's specific requirements.

Enhancing Journal Visibility and Search Engine Optimization with Category Properties:

In our relentless pursuit of empowering publishers with tools that streamline and optimize their workflows, we've introduced a significant enhancement to our journal management system – journal category properties. This feature empowers you to categorize your journals based on relevant criteria, unlocking a world of benefits for both you and your readers.

·         Categorizing Journals: A Gateway to Enhanced Visibility

By categorizing your journals, you're essentially creating a structured taxonomy that makes it easier for both users and search engines to discover your valuable content. Imagine your readers browsing through a well-organized library, where books are neatly categorized by genre, author, and subject matter. The same principle applies to journal categorization. When readers are presented with a clear and intuitive categorization system, they can quickly navigate to the journals that align with their interests and research needs.

·         Search Engine Optimization: Boosting Your Journal's Online Presence

In today's digital landscape, search engine optimization (SEO) plays a pivotal role in ensuring your journal's visibility and accessibility. Categorizing your journals contributes significantly to your SEO efforts by providing search engines with clear signals about the content and relevance of your publications. This, in turn, helps search engines better understand your journal's niche and rank it accordingly, increasing the likelihood of your journal appearing in relevant search results.


Previous Version:

You can also refer to the blog post you created for Version 6.7 to get a sense of the style and format you prefer: Version 6.7 (2024-03-10)

We are confident that Version 6.8 will further empower you to manage your journals effectively and elevate your publishing experience. As always, we welcome your feedback and suggestions for continuous improvement. Together, we are shaping the future of journal management excellence.

Release updates:

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