Discover NeoScriber 6.14 with a new editor, improved infrastructure, SEO enhancements, and streamlined document management.

NeoScriber 6.14 Release: Enhanced Journal Management System with New Editor & SEO Features

26 Aug, 2024


Discover NeoScriber 6.14 with a new editor, improved infrastructure, SEO enhancements, and streamlined document management.

We are thrilled to announce the release of NeoScriber version 6.14, the latest and most advanced iteration of our journal management system designed for Brieflands STM Publisher. This update brings a suite of new features and optimizations aimed at enhancing your publishing experience, streamlining editorial workflows, and improving overall system performance.


Implementation of a new editor with tack change and commenting system

One of the standout features in NeoScriber 6.14 is the implementation of a new, more robust editor. This editor now includes a track change and commenting system, empowering editors and authors to collaborate more effectively during the manuscript revision process. It’s now easier than ever to manage edits, provide feedback, and ensure that every submission is polished to perfection.

Implementation of 400 range response for publish sites

For those focused on search engine optimization, NeoScriber 6.14 introduces a critical SEO enhancement with the implementation of 400-range response codes. This change helps to better manage and signal errors to search engines, thereby improving your site’s indexing and visibility.

Complete rewrite of Document Relations

The release also features a complete rewrite of the Document Relations system, providing a more intuitive and streamlined way to manage related documents, references, and supplementary materials. This overhaul ensures better organization and easier access to critical documents, enhancing the research and review process.

Change the method of invoice generation

Another key improvement is the change in the invoice PDF generation method. This update offers faster and more accurate generation of financial documents, reducing the time spent on administrative tasks and minimizing errors.


We believe that NeoScriber 6.14 will significantly improve your publishing workflows, providing a more powerful, efficient, and user-friendly system. We are committed to continually advancing our platform, and we look forward to hearing your feedback on these new features. Thank you for being a part of the Brieflands community.


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