
13 articles
Summer 1999
vol. 3 , issue 2

Sensitivity and Speceficity of CMNAP test in diagnosis of CTS‌

MR Qhavanini, S Pooyania *
Final Published

The effect of low voltage electricity on the scolexes of the hydatid cyst

P Fallah Abed, M Payvasteh *
Final Published

A four year follow-up of IUD users in Qazvin

F Almasi, S Asefzadeh *
Final Published

Age as a leading factor in complications of pregnancy and delivary

F Mohammadi *
Final Published

‌A comparison of bipolar electrocoagulation and Filshie-Clips in Tubal Ligatio

F Amidi, M Naseri *
Final Published

‌Halitosis among school boys and girls in Isfahan

SH Shadazi, M Balochi *
Final Published

Study of acute poisoning in Ramsar

A Moghadamnia, S Hallagisani *
Final Published

Distribution and trematodes larval infections of Bulinus truncatus‌

GH Zamini, J Massoud *
Final Published

Comparison of Depression in factory-workers and office-workers of textile factories

A Safari, MR Sheikhi *
Final Published

A survey of students educational, welfare and occupational problems‌

F Bakhtiari, F Falahatpisheh *
Final Published

Epidemiological hints: Ratio, Proportion and Rate

E Sotoodehmaram *
Final Published
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